Add storage cell software

After uncompressing the file related to storage cell image I found a README.txt and a tar file computeImageMaker_11. that contains a folder named dl180. In these folder there is the sw needed to buid a bootable storage cell image.

I found lots of software and packages rpm. With a more deep view I could separate software into 3 groups: standard linux rpm probably already installed with OL5; software related to hardware and firmware; support tools for SUN and HP hardware. I didn’t need those software.

In the root path there is a cell.bin file that archive manager won’t open.
That file has some extra bytes in the header but gunzip is able to decompress it with just a warning about the header itself.

Here I found the only 1 interesting rmp package cell- that contains the storage cell software. Plus a needed jdk’s install package jdk-1_5_0_15-linux-amd64.rpm.

Another interesting stuff was the with Exadata docs.

Install software as normal rpm, jdk before cell.

Here detailed steps. Or jump to end of post

Check and eventually set host name resolution for local connection, needed by storage cell software. Don’t need to set name resolution for public and InfiniBand (!) network, but it could be done.

[root@stocell1 sf_OS]# vi /etc/hosts

[root@stocell1 sf_OS]# more /etc/hosts
# Do not remove the following line, or various programs
# that require network functionality will fail.       stocell1        localhost.localdomain localhost
::1             localhost6.localdomain6 localhost6

Put the software cell image zip ( in the path of host system choosed as shared folder so it can be directly used inside the VM. In fact there is a special file system mounted

[root@stocell1 ~]# mount

OS on /media/sf_OS type vboxsf (gid=160,rw)
[root@stocell1 ~]# cd /media/sf_OS/
[root@stocell1 sf_OS]# ll
total 1506576
-rwxrwx— 1 root vboxsf 1542729472 Oct 10 22:25

Uncompress the file

[root@stocell1 sf_OS]# unzip
inflating: README.txt
inflating: cellImageMaker_11.

And then untar

[root@stocell1 sf_OS]# tar pxvf cellImageMaker_11.

(there are some errors due permissions on host folder, but there is no problem because the only file needed i cell.bin)

[root@stocell1 cellbits]# ll dl180/boot/cellbits/
total 1446844
-rwxrwx— 1 root vboxsf       729 Jan  9  2013 c7rpms.tbz
-rwxrwx— 1 root vboxsf 245231205 Jan  9  2013 cell.bin
-rwxrwx— 1 root vboxsf  12705374 Jan  9  2013 cellboot.tbz
-rwxrwx— 1 root vboxsf 141444416 Jan  9  2013 cellfw.tbz
-rwxrwx— 1 root vboxsf 142434203 Jan  9  2013 cellrpms.tbz
-rwxrwx— 1 root vboxsf 208612489 Jan  9  2013 commonos.tbz
-rwxrwx— 1 root vboxsf 375683818 Jan  9  2013 debugos.tbz
-rwxrwx— 1 root vboxsf  55704927 Jan  9  2013
-rwxrwx— 1 root vboxsf 199485158 Jan  9  2013 exaos.tbz
-rwxrwx— 1 root vboxsf  18186084 Jan  9  2013 hputils.tbz
-rwxrwx— 1 root vboxsf  53387742 Jan  9  2013 kernel.tbz
-rwxrwx— 1 root vboxsf  16165382 Jan  9  2013 ofed.tbz
-rwxrwx— 1 root vboxsf  12485584 Jan  9  2013 sunutils.tbz

Then copy cell.bin and remove all

[root@stocell1 sf_OS]# cp dl180/boot/cellbits/cell.bin .
[root@stocell1 sf_OS]# rm -rf dl180
[root@stocell1 sf_OS]# rm -f cellImageMaker_11. README.txt
[root@stocell1 sf_OS]# ll
total 1746060
-rwxrwx— 1 root vboxsf  245231205 Dec 12 10:43 cell.bin
-rwxrwx— 1 root vboxsf 1542729472 Oct 10 22:25

Now unzip cell.bin

[root@stocell1 sf_OS]# unzip cell.bin
Archive:  cell.bin
warning [cell.bin]:  6408 extra bytes at beginning or within zipfile
(attempting to process anyway)
inflating: cell-
inflating: jdk-1_5_0_15-linux-amd64.rpm

Install jdk

[root@stocell1 sf_OS]# rpm -ivh jdk-1_5_0_15-linux-amd64.rpm
Preparing…                ########################################### [100%]
1:jdk                    ########################################### [100%]

Preparing to install cell rpm (thanks to Lee ..)

[root@stocell1 sf_OS]# mkdir /var/log/oracle
[root@stocell1 sf_OS]#chmod 775 /var/log/oracle

(It will be used also by celladmin user …)

Install cell sw

[root@stocell1 sf_OS]# rpm -ivh cell-
Preparing…                ########################################### [100%]
Pre Installation steps in progress …
1:cell                   ########################################### [100%]
Post Installation steps in progress …
Set cellusers group for /opt/oracle/cell11. directory
Set 775 permissions for /opt/oracle/cell11. directory
Installation SUCCESSFUL.
Starting RS and MS… as user celladmin
Done. Please Login as user celladmin and create cell to startup CELLSRV to complete cell configuration.
WARNING: Using the current shell as root to restart cell services.
Restart the cell services using a new shell.

Next: Prepare some virtual disks

/*+ esp */

36 thoughts on “Add storage cell software

  1. Pingback: Install an Oracle Linux 5 node « Dba Esp

  2. Pingback: Exadata Virtual Test Environment for OCE Prep – storage cell node | Dba Esp

  3. Hi ,
    Thanks for such a detailed article.But i am facing below issue while installing the cell rpm.
    [root@stocell1 sf_shared]# rpm -ivh cell-
    Preparing… ########################################### [100%]
    You are trying to install the 64-bit Cell rpm but a 32-bit JDK is installed. You should remove the 32-bit JDK rpm and use the cell binary to install the 64-bit JDK and the 64 bit CELL
    error: %pre(cell- scriptlet failed, exit status 4
    error: install: %pre scriptlet failed (2), skipping cell-
    [root@stocell1 sf_shared]# rpm -q jdk

    i took out the pre-post scripts and it seems the issue is because of the name of jdk as it shows up in above output which doesn’t matches the below clause.Can you please advise.

    if [ “x86_64” == ‘x86_64’ ]; then
    jdk_version=`rpm -q jdk`
    if [ “$jdk_version” != ‘jdk-1.5.0_15-fcs’ ]; then
    echo “You are trying to install the 64-bit Cell rpm but a 32-bit JDK is installed. You should remove the 32-bit JDK rpm and use the cell binary to install the 6
    4-bit JDK and the 64 bit CELL”
    exit 4
    jdk_version=`rpm -q jdk`
    if [ “$jdk_version” != ‘jdk-1.5.0_12-fcs’ ]; then
    echo “You are trying to install the 32-bit CELL rpm but a 64-bit JDK is installed. You should remove the 64-bit JDK rpm and use the cell binary to install the 3
    2-bit JDK and the 32-bit CELL”
    exit 3

  4. One more thing ..not sure if that matters..i am using Oracle LInux 6 and same software as your article.

    • Interesting. I did not test with oel 6, I’d like but I didn’t. It isn’t the version of an exadata cell. So I think it should not be the “first” experiment 😉

  5. Can you pls check what is the output of ” rpm -q jdk ” on your system.That should clarify if there is a difference .

  6. Hi

    I have exactly the same jdk version issue as Vinjay had. My Oracle Linux is also 6.5. I installed the same jdk that came with the cell binary.

    [root@stocell1 sf_OS]# rpm -q jdk


    But I still have the error below:

    [root@stocell1 sf_OS]# rpm -ivh cell-
    Preparing… ################################################### [100%]
    You are trying to install the 64-bit Cell rpm but a 32-bit JDK is installed. You should remove the 32-bit JDK rpm and use the cell binary to install the 64-bit JDK and the 64 bit CELL
    error: %pre(cell- scriptlet failed, exit status 4
    error: install: %pre scriptlet failed (2), skipping cell-

    I also created a .rpmmarcos under root home but nothing worked.

    Please help.

  7. Never mind, I figured it out. Your short tip for extracting pre-script worked very well. Thanks.

    • Sorry, I saw too late. It is related to default output format of unnamed, if I well remember. Just an env setting will fix it

      • Hi All,

        I am getting same issue. May I know how this issue was fixed. Please let me know.


      • I am getting same issue. May I know how this issue was fixed. Please let me know.

  8. Or you can extract pre script with
    rpm -qp –scripts cell* > ListOfScripts
    try running the pre script, find and fix the problem
    (but I think is an “if” where wrong pkg name is checked)

    • Hi …

      I have tried this option … … Not worked.

      I have generated rpm -qp –scripts cell* > ListOfScripts …

      #echo “Running pre with arg $1”

      if [ “x86_64” == ‘x86_64’ ]; then
      jdk_version=`rpm -q jdk`
      if [ “$jdk_version” != ‘jdk-1.5.0_15-fcs’ ]; then
      echo “You are trying to install the 64-bit Cell rpm but a 32-bit JDK is installed. You should remove the 32-bit JDK rpm and use the cell binary to install the 64-bit JDK and the 64 bit CELL”
      exit 4
      jdk_version=`rpm -q jdk`
      if [ “$jdk_version” != ‘jdk-1.5.0_12-fcs’ ]; then
      echo “You are trying to install the 32-bit CELL rpm but a 64-bit JDK is installed. You should remove the 64-bit JDK rpm and use the cell binary to install the 32-bit JDK and the 32-bit CELL”
      exit 3

      Can you please help me.


      • [root@stocell1 ~]# cat .rpmmacros
        %_query_all_fmt %%{name}-%%{version}-%%{release}.%%{arch}

  9. Hi ,

    I’m trying this procedure on Oracle Linux 6.5 and with the latest exadata software, but I got some errors while installing the cell software:
    error: Failed dependencies:
    net-snmp-utils is needed by cell-
    When I tried to install the above missing rpm , I got another error:
    rpm -ivh net-snmp-utils-

    error: Failed dependencies: is needed by net-snmp-utils-1:
    net-snmp = 1: is needed by net-snmp-utils-1:

    and so on
    rpm -ivh net-snmp-libs-
    warning: net-snmp-libs- Header V3 DSA/SHA1 Signature, key ID 1e5e0159: NOKEY
    Preparing… ########################################### [100%]
    package net-snmp-libs-1:5.5-41.el6.x86_64 (which is newer than net-snmp-libs-1: is already installed

    So, do you have a defined procedure for 12c with Linux 6.5? If not do yiu recommend other approaches like using Linux 5.6?


    • If i well remember 12.1 comes on a 5.7 oel cell. With oel 6 i had lots of errors on rds network. And more, 12.1 is really memory intensive. The only people having succes with it used a vm with 10gb of ram.
      I’m sorry, i can’t help you. I do not have enough hw!

  10. I had errors in the installation:
    [root@cell1 soft_exadata]# rpm -ivh cell-
    Preparando… ########################################### [100%]
    Pre Installation steps in progress …
    1:cell ########################################### [100%]
    Post Installation steps in progress …
    Set cellusers group for /opt/oracle/cell12. directory
    Set 775 permissions for /opt/oracle/cell12. directory
    Installation SUCCESSFUL.
    Starting RS and MS… as user celladmin
    MS startup failed
    advertencia:%post(cell- macro de ejecución de guión fallido, estado de terminación 1

    Any idea?

      • I reinstalled OS to OEL5.10 and works ok!!
        After i had problems with the installation but problems are memory (up to 10G), snmp (I installed packages), rds (I installed package rds-tools) and firewall (I disable it).
        Thank you for your help

  11. I installed Exadata VM’S but i can’t simulate the smart scan & storage indexes…
    Could you please provide me the list of parameters for smart scan & storage index.
    I used only cell_offload_processing=TRUE……

  12. Thanks for the beautiful articles Eugenio Spadafora.
    I have a question. Why do I not see the directory /opt/oracle.SupportTools/ ?

    [root@stocell1 unix]# cd /opt/oracle.SupportTools/
    bash: cd: /opt/oracle.SupportTools/: No such file or directory

    How can I get this directory on my cell node?

  13. I know this is an old blog – but in case you are looking – are you intending on showing how to do this with the latest cell software ? I ask as the software you use is no longer available and, well, im struggling to get it to work on the latest version

  14. Hi,

    When i try to install cell.bin rpm its failing with below exception. I’m trying to install in oel 7. Any ideas please?

    caused by: Unsupported secret key algorithm: DES [Root exception is$EncryptionException]
    at com.evermind.server.rmi.RMIClient.lookup(
    at com.evermind.server.rmi.RMIClientContext.lookup(
    at oracle.oc4j.deployment.ApplicationClientResourceFinder.lookupResourceFinder(
    … 24 more
    Caused by:$EncryptionException
    at com.evermind.server.rmi.RMIProtocol$SecureCredentials.send(
    at com.evermind.server.rmi.RMIProtocol.sendCredentials(
    at oracle.oc4j.rmi.ClientRmiTransport.connectToServer(
    at oracle.oc4j.rmi.ClientSocketRmiTransport.connectToServer(
    at com.evermind.server.rmi.RMIClientConnection.connect(
    at com.evermind.server.rmi.RMIClientConnection.sendLookupRequest(
    at com.evermind.server.rmi.RMIClientConnection.lookup(
    at com.evermind.server.rmi.RMIClient.lookup(
    … 26 more
    Caused by:$KeyExchangeException
    … 34 more
    Caused by: Unsupported secret key algorithm: DES
    at com.sun.crypto.provider.DHKeyAgreement.engineGenerateSecret(
    at javax.crypto.KeyAgreement.generateSecret(
    … 35 more
    —- Embedded exception
    javax.naming.NamingException: Error reading application-client descriptor: Error communicating with server:

    Failed at “Could not get DeploymentManager”.

    This is typically the result of an invalid deployer URI format being supplied, the target server not being in a started state or incorrect authentication details being supplied.

    More information is available by enabling logging — please see the Oracle Containers for J2EE Configuration and Administration Guide for details.
    javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.exceptions.DeploymentManagerCreationException: Could not get DeploymentManager
    at javax.enterprise.deploy.shared.factories.DeploymentFactoryManager.getDeploymentManager(
    at oracle.oc4j.admin.deploy.api.J2EEDeploymentManager.(
    at oracle.oc4j.admin.deploy.cmdline.AdminCommandBase.execute(
    at oracle.oc4j.admin.deploy.cmdline.Oc4jAdminCmdline.executeCommand(
    at oracle.oc4j.admin.deploy.cmdline.Oc4jAdminCmdline.main(

    Failed at “Could not get DeploymentManager”.

    This is typically the result of an invalid deployer URI format being supplied, the target server not being in a started state or incorrect authentication details being supplied.

    More information is available by enabling logging — please see the Oracle Containers for J2EE Configuration and Administration Guide for details.

    Failed at “Could not get DeploymentManager”.

    This is typically the result of an invalid deployer URI format being supplied, the target server not being in a started state or incorrect authentication details being supplied.

    More information is available by enabling logging — please see the Oracle Containers for J2EE Configuration and Administration Guide for details.

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